April 2, 2011

Basement Face Lift

This is totally uninteresting to everyone but me. But, I will proceed anyway. Suckas. It's your own fault you're here reading this anyway.

Last weekend we did a little basement makeover.

You see, we're going to put the house on the market in May (no worries . . . we're not leaving the area), but the move is leading us to complete a few projects here around the house. One of them being a basement face lift.

Here's how it started . . .

Disclaimer: this is not Jude's normal play space. He was only in the basement with us while we were scraping the floor. He has a room of his own, remember?

Anyway, back to the project at hand. Yes, it's your typical unfinished basement. Not glamorous, but functional. Unfortunately, ours also had paint peeling off the floor. Nice. I should admit that there are other things we were addressing too, but none quite as significant as the floor.

So, last Friday, we brought the little boy with us to the basement and we scraped, scraped and scraped some more. Then, we swept, mopped and mopped some more. And, finally, after A LOT of prep work, we got to paint.

The end result looks like this . . .

Still not the most beautiful place in the house, but a big step up!

The epoxy paint kit came with these little paint chips that we spread around on the wet paint. It was like sprinkling seasoning all over the floor. My mother-in-law and I had a grand ol' time with this. Couldn't have had more fun, honestly.

Also, did you notice my new ironing board cover? I saw these polka dots at Hancock Fabrics recently and I had to have them. I knew immediately that the fabric was just right for an ironing board. Not sure why, but it sure was speaking to me. I'm glad I answered.

I got this project done during Jude's afternoon nap. It felt good for a project to come together that simply - I need more like that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. It is my first day of no facebook and fresh information about someone was refreshing to my soul... :)
